Genç Bilge Yayıncılık

Genç Bilge Yayıncılık

 Journals / JEGYS

Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists (JEGYS) covers issues such as differentiated instruction in mathematics, science and social sciences for gifted students, education and training of the young scientist, giftedness, gifted education, scientific creativity, educational policy on science and math education for gifted students, teaching of the history and philosophy of science, STEM education for gifted, teaching techniques and activities in the education of the  gifted young scientist, is a scientific and academic journal. JEGYS aims to be a scientific media sharing scientific research, practices, theories and ideas about gifted education and education of the gifted young scientists. The JEGYS is an international refereed scientific journal which publishes review and research article, teaching techniques and activities for the education of the gifted young scientist, book reviews and interviews in English. Submitted articles are evaluated in a double blinded peer-reviewed fashion. The JEGYS is an open access and nonprofit journal, published 4 issues a year. 

"Akademik Teşvik" kapsamında olup, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus International (ICI), EBSCOeducationsource, DOAJ indekslerinde taranmaktadır. 


DOAJ, EBSCOeducation Source, DRJI, Index Copernicus, Sobiad, ERIH Plus
