About the JGEDC
Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity (JGEDC) (ISSN: 2149-1410) issues such as gifted education, giftedness, differentiated instruction in gifted education, creativity (e.g. artistic, scientific creativity), educational policy on gifted education, is a scientific and academic journal. JGEDC aims to be a scientific media sharing scientific research, practices, theories and ideas about gifted education and creativity research. JGEDC published three times (April, August, December) in a year. JGEDC is a non-profit, open acsess journal.
The JGEDC is an international refereed scientific journal which publishes review and research article, book reviews and interviews in English. Submitted articles are evaluated in a double blinded peer-reviewed fashion. The JGEDC is an open access journal, published three issues a year. The JGEDC holds copyrights for all articles published in the journal. Authors are responsible for article contents published in the journal.