Genç Bilge Yayıncılık

Genç Bilge Yayıncılık

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International Congress on Gifted Young Scientists Education (ICGYSE)

Journal for the Gifted Young Scientists Education (JEGYS) founded in 2013, has started to be discussed in the world with the academic journal Gifted Young Scientists. The ultimate in science education is for the education of gifted children. The problem of how gifted and also young scientists will be trained is the most important problem of education. Because the most important driving force in the progress of humanity are scientists.

ICGYSE will be the first congress where all problems related to the education of gifted scientists will be discussed. The models, research and opinions of future trends of gifted young scientists education who study on academicians in this field will be shared regularly on this platform every year. The Assocciation Young Scientists and Talent Education (AYSTE) supports ICGYSE. 

First Congress: November 20-22, 2020. Istanbul, Turkey
